I know angels are expected to have a halo and huge wings. That is how the bible describes them anyway.

So what happens when you meet one without wings and a halo? Check this out.

AngelI never thought l would meet an ‘angel’ on the train. l believe l did that fateful day. 

I was busy on my phone as usual, but this time l was saying my DIVINE MERCY prayer using a wonderful new app. Then l heard raised voices not far from me so l turned to look.

A heavily pregnant woman gave up her seat for an old woman who didn’t want to take it. Ah! How nice they both were, l thought. 😃 The pregnant woman insisted, saying she would be getting down soon.

The old lady reluctantly accepted. I thought that was it, so l returned to my phone and prayer.

Then l heard a kid crying and clinging to her mum. She was about 6-7 years old. They were both standing near the pregnant woman.

The child said “l’m cold mummy”. Her mum pulled the collar of her daughter’s coat up in the hope it would shield her open neck from the cold. They both had no scarves on. It wasn’t very cold today l must say. I guess that’s why mother and child left home without scarves. 
The pregnant woman had a lovely wollen scarf on, in dark blue and yellow colour. She took it off and gave it to the mum to wrap around the child. 

The look of surprise and gratitude on the mum’s face was priceless.😲 

“Are you sure?” She asked

“I can’t accept it”.

The pregnant woman insisted again. Saying it’s for the child and that she was feeling quite warm herself so will not need the scarf. 

The mum accepted it and wrapped it snugly around her child, who turned to give the pregnant woman a dazzling smile.😬

Now the pregnant woman had my full attention. She was Spanish and looked slim and fit despite the obvious advanced stage of her pregnancy. I stared at her. She had a fixed smile on her beautiful face. She had the look of someone who is kind and gentle, like she couldn’t hurt a fly or something. *Big Wow!* 😇. I am just going to name her befittingly as ‘Ms Angelique’. It’s apt and she deserves it.
 As l made to get off the train, ‘Ms Angelique’ got off in front of me. So I walked behind her, wondering what her life story is. Everybody has one and it usually defines who we are or who we turn out to be.

I found her fascinating!. Then l saw her stop to give a £10 note to the male beggar outside the train station. She stood by him and was chatting to him. *Another wow!*😳

Most people don’t give notes to beggars or the homeless. They give coins and walk away. I only give pound coins myself. 🤦🏽‍♀️ People do not stop to chat with beggars either. I never do. WHO IS THIS WOMAN? I wondered again.

I walked past, looking at them chatting and l smiled. Then l stopped. I just couldn’t walk away. I had to meet her. She could be a real angel. 😇 She had to be.

I have a thing about angels by the way. I wrote a whole chapter entitled 'An encounter with an archangel' in my first book, OVERCOMING LIFE’s ANGELS. Check it out.

I waited for her to finish chatting with the beggar, then l walked up to her. This was our conversation;

“Hello!" I said

“Hi” she replied, still with that lovely smile.

I knew then she wasn’t bothered that a stranger approached her. So l continued.

“You are very kind. I was on the train with you and I saw what you did for the child and also for the beggar”

She said it was nothing, smiled and thanked me for the compliment.

“I am Franca” l said to introduce myself.

“My name is Anna” she responded.

I went to shake her hand and she hugged me instead. *Major wow!* 😃Isn’t she just lovely!. Yep! She is definitely an angel. 

As we moved to go our separate ways, we both said “have a nice day” at the same time which was funny and we both laughed.

I walked away with a rather warm feeling inside. I don’t care what anyone says, but l absolutely believe l met an angel today. 😃 They do not need to have wings and a halo to be an angel in my book.

Are there any female angels in the bible? I think they are all men. At least the angel decoration on top of my Christmas tree is female. 😃 Thank God for imaginative designers.

Why wasn’t there any female angel named in the bible though?  l wondered as l hurried into the office. *food for thought*. 🤔 

That woman made my day and l pray to meet such lovely angelic people like Anna everyday.