Having multiple streams of income has become the norm these days. Learn the three simple ways to create them in pages filled with success stories of ordinary women including mine. Have you discovered your dreams and where your passion lies? Most people haven’t.
They are still ‘finding’ themselves. I found what l was born to do at 38. Wish l had a book like this to read. Discover how you can too. This book is for women age 16 and over. Although written from a woman’s perspective, it’s a book for everyone. You will finish this book, believing you can achieve any goal if you want it badly enough.
Obstacles are analysed and possible solutions offered. You will be inspired, motivated and ready to transform your life.

Excerpt from the Book
Women are born with multiple skills and are fully capable of juggling many commitments. Hence the joke; “only women can multi-task”. I am surrounded by women who have used their hobbies and skills (like coaching, blogging, baking, tailoring, party planning, catering, making wigs, selling beauty products through pyramid schemes like Avon and Forever living Products, making jewellery and kids hair accessories) to create multiple streams of income. If they can do it you can too.
These are mums and most of them also have regular jobs. They inspire me. I see the fantastic drive they have and how they have transformed their lives. I think if more women did that it would be amazing. We would succeed in getting women out of long periods of poverty. I am hoping this book will be a guide for whoever needs it, to become fulfilled and attain financial stability.
In this chapter, l will look at the three simple ways you can create multiple streams of income and tell the stories of four women who did and how they did it. I call them ‘success stories’ because they changed their inadequate work situation for the better. They found a solution and transformed their lives. I have given a lot of hints through the course of this book as to what these three strategies are. You probably guessed them already.
Ingrid H.
5.0 out of 5 stars
her vision set in Enriching All Women Programme (Chapter 13) is absolutely amazing, and I hope many
14 January 2018
Format: Paperback
This guide is for every woman who longs for a positive change in her life, not only financially. Being able to generate income by doing what we are passionate about is the ultimate goal for everyone. It does not have to stay a dream. This guide will show you how to identify whether your goal and your personality are compatible (is your dream realistic?) it shows you how to stay strong, what tools to use to make your business idea a success, and how to gain skills – if any lacking. The main message is “You can if you want to”. Testimonies of women who are now financially independent, and lead fulfilled life speak for themselves. This is an extremely encouraging book that presents you with all aspects of a successful business start-up.
The author shares her success story, but she does not leave it there. Her vision set in Enriching All Women Programme (Chapter 13) is absolutely amazing, and I hope many, many professionals will sign up for it.
Elizabeth Omatsola
5.0 out of 5 stars
Employment should not be a barrier to multiple streams of income
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 5 February 2019
A must have for every woman and indeed everyone that wants to have multiple streams of income. Bought a copy for myself but had to order two more for my daughters because I had to keep my copy for reference purposes. It will reset your thought process with regards to earning a living and generating extra income. The beauty about the book is the simple narrative and one can easily identify with real life experiences in the story line . My experience, there is always something new to learn each time I read the book.
Agnes Bangoura wrote:
Best book ever! The testimonies are so real and informative. I really enjoyed this book. All the different kind of women are represented in this book. The unemployed, self-employed woman and the woman in low-paid jobs. I love the examples you gave. Especially the one about the couple with the unemployed wife and the man fell critically ill and the woman ended up working as a CS assistant to provide for her family. You emphasised planning the finances and making sure both couples work in case something goes wrong in future. I thank you for writing this book. The book is like an eye opener. I really enjoyed it. Thank you.